Mrs. Peixoto's class hatched adorable baby chicks this spring! The hands-on project taught the students about agriculture, biology, and important lessons in responsibility. #STEM #nevadaagriculture #churchillcounty #fallon #poweroflearning
7 months ago, Oasis Academy
baby chicks
Baby Chicks
baby chicks
baby chicks
baby chicks
When learning time, you make watches! The students were given a time to draw on their analog watches. They did a great job! #poweroflearning #timetogetawatch #math #STEM
7 months ago, Oasis Academy
A hot dog and ice cream sundae party was the #cherryontop to celebrate the end of SBAC and MAPS testing for fifth and sixth graders. Well deserved Bighorns! #testingtreats #bighornblue #ketchup
7 months ago, Oasis Academy
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
The Bighorns love #Aceball. FFA sold concessions at the Reno Aces game last Friday as a fundraiser. Oasis is truly grateful for this opportunity. Watch for the Bighorns to be at the game on June 14 at Greater Nevada Field selling concession again. #hotdog #gameday #bighornblue
7 months ago, Oasis Academy
FFA Baseball
FFA Baseball
FFA Baseball
FFA Baseball
#sonicblast Huge shoutout to Sonic for hosting a class on the last week of school. It was a treat to walk to restaurant. We appreciate your kind staff and support for Oasis! #limeade #bighornblue #summertime
7 months ago, Oasis Academy
Sonic Photo
Dal, dale, dale no pierdas el tiemo, por que si lo pierdes pierdes el camino, Y a le diste uno, ya le diste dos, ya le diste tres y su tiempo se acabo. Mr. Ramirez's Cultural Diversity class made pinatas at the end of the year. Both the pinatas and dulces were amazing!
7 months ago, Oasis Academy
Sign up now for the Churchill County Parks and Recreation Summer Volleyball Camp! Camp is for 4th-8th grade students and runs June 24-27. Register at #volleyball #spike #camp
8 months ago, Oasis Academy
Youth Volleyball
Take to the skies! Pilot classes being held right here in Fallon through Western Nevada College. #learntofly #bighornblue #churchillcounty #fallon #wnc
8 months ago, Oasis Academy
WNC Flight Classes
Congratulations Oasis Softball players on being named to the NIAA 2A Northern All League: First team: Kirsten Detomasi and Taylynn Maynez Second team: Eneyde Rios and Phynex Hunt Honorable Mention: Dahlila Creer, Emma Lewis, and Kaylin Guthrie
8 months ago, Oasis Academy
First graders worked on tens and ones up to 100 when teachers gave them a new "name tag". They had to go around and find the matching number value of each one for their classmates to find their new name. #numbers #math #stem #poweroflearning #bighornblue
8 months ago, Oasis Academy
Math Names
Math Names
Math Names
Math Names
Math Names
Congratulations baseball players on being named to the NIAA 2A Northern All League: First Team- McNabb and Budner, Second Team- Mackedon and Bird, Honorable Mention- Barrenchea, White, and Gusewelle. Lastly, your 2024 NIAA 2A Northern League Coach of the Year, Sean McNabb!
8 months ago, Oasis Academy
As a reminder, all students going into grades 3-10 must read at least one book and fill out the Book Review. The Book Review will count toward the semester 1 grade. Therefore, not completing it will affect eligibility. Students are welcome to complete more than one book review. All students going into first and second grades should complete the reading log . A copy of the reading log has also been sent home. Reading logs will also be available at school June 4-6 from 9:00 a.m.-noon. Reading logs and reviews may be found at If your child chooses a book and is unsure if it is too easy or too hard, you can check the reading level here.
8 months ago, Oasis Academy
Summer Reading
The high school yearbook signing turned out to be a huge success. Thank you yearbook for capturing all of our memories in this years yearbook!
8 months ago, Phynex Hunt
In honor of graduation on May 23, can you name this OACP teacher in her graduation regalia? #TBT #bighorns #classof2024
8 months ago, Oasis Academy
Julie Stockard Graduation Pic
Julie Stockard Graduation Pic
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! K-6 Field Day is next Thursday from 8 a.m.-noon. Volunteers are needed to help make the day memorable. Many opportunities remain available. Sign up now at
8 months ago, Oasis Academy
Field Day
Uniform Store SALE! We're celebrate the Class of 2024 with a huge sale in the Uniform Store on Monday (5/20). Everything will be 24% off! Hours are 7:30-9:30 a.m. and 4-6 p.m.
8 months ago, Oasis Academy
Uniform Store Sale
Tyler Siebecker is off to State! He's competing tomorrow and Wednesday at the Ruby View Golf Course in Elko. The Bighorn Herd is cheering you on. Good luck! #bighornblue #golf #nevada #fallon #churchillcounty
8 months ago, Oasis Academy
Field Day for Oasis Kindergarten - 6th graders is just around the corner on May 23 (last day of school). Friends of Oasis Academy (FOA) hosts this fun filled day and would appreciate your help. Along with volunteers, other items are needed, like ice chests, bags of ice, shade pop ups, and more. If you are able to help at the event, remember volunteers must have a completed background check with the school within the last 5 years. Please check out all of the opportunities to help by clicking on the link below:
8 months ago, Oasis Academy
Field Day
MS Student Council will be an elective next year 24-25! Students going into 6th-8th grades that are interested in running for an officer position and participating, MUST go to Ms. Groom to pick up a permission slip and get a campaign information sheet.
8 months ago, Oasis Academy
Student Council
Cheer sign-ups are open from now to May 16. Parents or students grades 6-12 should reach out to Coach Prewett for more information at
8 months ago, Oasis Academy
cheer photo