Tomorrow is a dress-up day! Students can come dressed in their holiday spirited gear. Must be school appropriate. #uglysweater #christmas #almostbreak
High school Yearbooks are on sale now! Orders yours at
Students can stop by at their snack recess on the playground to purchase lemonade and play games from Mr. Lewis' class. The annual eighth grade fundraiser raises money for math projects for his class for the year. #makelemonade #sell
#brainbreak Students can stop by Mrs. Polish's Office during non-class times for a break to work on a puzzle and chat with friends. #puzzle #friends
On November 17th, Mrs. Rowlett went to a Boy Scout Hometown Hero Appreciation Meeting. The Oasis Staff was appreciated for all of our
hard work. As a thank you they gave us a big box of popcorn to enjoy. #poweroflearning #boyscouts
The Oasis Holiday Concert is tomorrow night at 6:30 p.m. at the Convention Center. Hear the beautiful sounds of the Oasis Choirs, Music Ensembles, and the current 4th and 5th grade music classes. #spreadthecheer #musiceducation #music
Don't forget Angel Tree gifts are due back to school by tomorrow (12/15) afternoon. Items should be unwrapped with the tree tag attached. Thank you to everyone that took tags, every tag was taken by last week. Amazing support for our community. Call 775-423-5437 with questions.
Do you have an Oasis Academy SIBLING who will be STARTING KINDERGARTEN next year? Now is the time to submit their application so we can reserve a seat for them. A paper application must be turned in, in accordance with Open Enrollment instructions by Feb. 23, 2023. Kinder siblings of currently enrolled students are exempt from the lottery but it is imperative that you submit a paper application. Visit for complete information and to print out the instructions and an application, in English or Spanish. Or stop by the front office to pick one up, Monday - Thursday, 8am - 5:30pm. If you have any questions, please call the school, 775-423-KIDS, or stop by for clarification.
Here's to an amazing birthday today for Mrs. Brittany Wilbanks. You teach some of the youngest in our Bighorn herd how to tackle every situation in life with a smile on their faces! Hope you have the best day!
Don't forget this Wednesday is Holiday Movie Night at Oasis! Doors open at 5 p.m. We will be showing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Santa will be here at 5:30 for photos! Call 775-423-5437 with any questions.
Huge thank you to Mr. Monte Morrison for coming to speak to our Lego Robotics teams. It was wonderful having you at school and the students gained first-hand knowledge and insightful information from your presentation. Thank you again! #community #poweroflearning #thankyou
The Homecoming Celebration continues with Gremlins at the Downtown Theater on Thursday night! Cost is $5 and movie starts at 6 p.m.
Anyone interest in helping coach Middle School Girls Volleyball please contact Dusty Casey at Stipend available.
Don't forget the Middle School X-Mas Hoedown Dance is this Thursday (12/8) night! Everyone needs a permission slip.
It's OPEN ENROLLMENT! Open Enrollment is now through February 23. Visit and print the application. Applications must be turned in to the front office with a copy of the student's birth certificate. Please call 775-423-5437 with any questions.
Save the Date! On December 14 from 5-7 p.m. it’s Holiday Family Movie Night! Come watch the movie Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer in the Cafeteria and take pictures with Santa Claus. Admission is free. The event is sponsored by Middle School Student Council and NJHS.
Attention 9-12th grade girls interested in playing softball this year! There will be a high school softball interest meeting, tomorrow (12/1) in the Pinion building, Hangout at 4:00 p.m. Winter workouts will be starting next week. #battersup #bighornblue #softball
Attention 8-12th grade girls interested in playing lacrosse this year. There will be a high school lacrosse interest meeting TODAY in the Pinion building, Hangout room at 4:00 p.m. Winter workouts start next week. Please contact Mrs. Swan ( for any questions.
Tonight is Family Night for the Oasis Book Fair! Bring the family by from 5-7 p.m. and check out the amazing things in stock. Proceeds from the Book Fair will be used to purchase books for kids and classrooms. #poweroflearning #bighornblue #bookfair
It’s back! The Book Fair is this week. This year’s fair’s theme is camping with the slogan, “Let’s Read S’more.” Books are also available through the website starting November 14. Call 775-423-5437 with questions.